How Far Back Does The Registry Of Motor Vehicles Look When Calculating OUI / DUI Suspensions?

The statutory scheme related to license suspensions following OUI / DUI convictions has been amended several times by Massachusetts Lawmakers. Individuals arrested for OUI / DUI need to consider the lookback periods in order to full understand the license suspension consequences. We have prepared a simple chart to show you how the Registry will determine the appropriate lookback period below:
Present – 11/28/2002 | Lifetime Lookback |
05/27/94 – 11/27/02 | 10- Year Lookback |
Past until – 05/26/94 | 6-year Lookback |
If you have a current license suspension for OUI / DUI and you believe the Registry of Motor Vehicles has improperly calculated the suspension period, Gilman Law is available to help you. Contact us today for a Free Case Consultation. Gilman Law, P.C., has helped hundreds of clients get their driving privilege reinstated, do not just sit back and assume the Registry of Motor Vehicles is right. Take action today.
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